National Education
National Education
Four NE core events are commemorated in Zhenghua Primary, namely, Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day. The commemoration of the four NE Core Events take into consideration the school’s total education framework where we seek to provide a holistic learning experience for our students through the Cognitive, Leadership, Aesthetic, Physical, Social-Emotional (C.L.A.P.S.) domains and the CCE’s Learn, Appy and Reflect (L.A.R.) approach.
A wide range of school efforts help students experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans. Through the learning experiences planned, the school strives to inculcate in students a sense of belonging, a sense of reality, a sense of hope and the will to act. A strong sense of belonging, reality and hope motivate our students to be active citizens who love Singapore and make a difference to the school, community and nation.
Total Defence Day

International Friendship Day

Racial Harmony Day

National Day